

Nicholas Tommasini

MUNer and Founder. Responsible for organizing national and international Model United Nations conferences.

Bachelor’s degree in Political Science – International Relations and European Studies from the University of Florence with a thesis in “Energy Diplomacy – The energy sector as a soft power weapon for International Diplomacy”

Participates in his first Model United Nations during his fourth year of High School. 

Works as a volunteer initially and Project Manager later, at the most prestigious National and International Model UN also holding the position of Secretary General. 

Chief of Staff during more than ten international simulations, to date he collaborates with Schools and Universities around the world to organize private and public conferences with his professional organization. 

Innovator Under 35 in the Model UN sector promoting the application to education and communication of Artificial Intelligence and Gamification software projects.


Professor Gianluca Pastori

Teaching leader for International Relations, United Nations, and Diplomacy.

Since May 1, 2016, Associate Professor of History of Political Relations between North America and Europe in the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences.

From 2005 to 2016, Researcher, Scientific Disciplinary Area SPS-06 (History of International Relations); in A.Y. 2006-07, Lecturer in History of Military Institutions and Security Systems (II module), Faculty of Political Science, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan. Since A.Y. 2007-08, Aggregate Professor of History of Political Relations between North America and Europe, Faculty of Political Science (since Nov. 01, 2012, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences), Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan.

Lecturer in the History of International Relations module in the Master in Diplomacy (formerly Master in International Affairs) of ISPI – Institute for International Policy Studies; at the same Institute, coordinator and lecturer of the Winter School ‘The Energy Policies of the European Union’.

Founding Member of SeSaMO – Society for Middle East Studies; Member by right of SISI – Italian Society of International History; Member of SISM – Italian Society of Military History (of which he was a member of the Steering Committee in the period 2007-12); Aggregate Member of the Italian-Hungarian Cultural Association ‘Pier Paolo Vergerio’; Member in an individual capacity of CISP – Interateneo Center for Peace Studies.

Professor Davide Borsani

Teaching leader for International Relations, United Nations, and Diplomacy.

He is Researcher t.d. in History of International Relations (SPS\06) at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, where he teaches European Integration: History and Politics.

He collaborates with organizations and study centers, including the Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale (ISPI) in Milan, where he is Associate Research Fellow for the Transatlantic Relations program, Faculty member of the Master in Diplomacy for History of International Relations and coordinator of the short course The United Nations and International Security.

He has been a speaker several times at the International Congress of Military History of the International Commission on Military History (ICMH) as a member of the Ministry of Defense delegation. For the same Commission, he has served as Academic Assistant to the President since 2015 and has been a member of the Bibliographical Committee since 2021. He is also a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Military History and Historiography (IJMH).

Since 2018, he has been taking part as a Faculty Advisor in the Simulations of the Work of the United Nations in New York (NMUN). During 2010, he participated as Subject matter expert in two NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Italy (NRDC-ITA) exercises.

He is Editorial Secretary of the Quaderni di Scienze Politiche (QdSP) of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart. He is also qualified as a Second Professorship for the period 2018-2027 in the competitive sector 14/B2 – History of International Relations, Societies and Extra-European Institutions.


Francesca Sironi De Gregorio

MUNer and Teacher. Teaching leader for International law, Resolutions, and Rules of Procedure of the United Nations.

Francesca Sironi De Gregorio is currently pursuing a PhD in public international law at the University of Palermo, with a project on digital evidence in international adjudication. She graduated summa cum laude from Catholic University of Milan in 2019, where she is currently working as a teaching assistant. After her graduation, she interned at the International Criminal Court in Pre-trial Chamber II. She is also a legal associate for Genocide Watch, working on strategic litigation to provide redress to victims of atrocity crimes. She has been a visiting researcher at UNESCO Headquarters; Relais Culture Europe (Paris) and the Peace Palace Library (The Hague). Her main research interests are: general public international law, international criminal law, international humanitarian law and feminist approaches to international law. 


Professor Fabrizio Coticchia

Membro del Board per la creazione e lo studio dei percorsi Model United Nations e Advisor per i moduli di Relazioni Internazionali, Sicurezza Internazionale e Organizzazioni Internazionali.


Aleksandar Damjanovski

Faculty Advisor

Is a Faculty Lecturer in International Law and Geopolitics at Unicollege SSML, Florence, and an Economic Analyst at the Luigi Einaudi Centre, working on the project ‘Measuring Economic Freedom.’ He holds a PhD in International Studies from the School of International Studies (University of Trento), with doctoral research on preferential patterns of behaviour in EU defence cooperation initiatives. He also holds an MA in International Relations and European Studies and a BA in International Studies (University of Florence). Additionally, he has a Master’s in Diplomatic Studies from the Italian Society for International Organisation (Rome). He has interned at the Communication Service of the European University Institute and worked as a Research Assistant in the OSCE project ‘Confidence-Building Measures to Reduce the Risks of Conflict Stemming from the Use of ICT.’ Previously, he was a Bluebook trainee at the European Commission, DG Defence, Industry, and Space.


Mattia Michelnageli

Mattia is passionate about life and open collaborative human dynamics. His experience has spanned both the big corporations and the startup world. He believes that real innovation is not created by technologies but by people and their willingness to innovate. Coaching, co-creating, and angel investing. He’s always on the running for the next challenge in Value-Driven Evolution. In 2019, he was selected as “one of the 7 Innovators of Rome” by Talent Garden. Board member (Digital Volunteering) and also founder of the “Fuckup Nights Malta Chapter”. Mattia thinks it is necessary to educate the new generations on the value of defeat, to its management, to the humanity that arises from it, and to build an identity capable of sensing a common destiny, in which one can fail and start again without having their value and dignity affected. Angel investor in Start2Impact University, which has been selected by the European Commission as Members of the Coalition for Digital Skills and Work. Selected as Mentor for Vatican’s first-ever Hackathon “VHack ” which connects youth and technology in the service of the common good. Mattia has been lecturing, held workshops, and keynote speeches at several prestigious universities, such as SDA Bocconi, Bicocca Milan, Luiss Guido Carli, La Sapienza of Rome, and much more. Apart from playing with immersive technologies, Mattia is a food lover, a sailor, and a traveler. Visited 5 continents and lived in 3. Finally, he is a Lego Serious Play Official Facilitator.


Nicholas Toll

Teaching leader for Soft Skills such as Public Speaking and Negotiation.

He is currently a language expert at La Sapienza University of Rome and the School of Language Mediation in Rome with 20 years’ experience in the academic field.

Collaborates with numerous Schools and Universities in teaching English and Public Speaking in numerous fields of study and activities.

More than ten years experience in application of soft skills in the world of teaching related to Model United Nations and referent for MUN•ITALIA for the main Schools and Universities in the world for the organization of training courses in Soft Skills that we hold every year in more than 20 countries.

Academic lecturer and communication expert also in the private business world with collaborations in the top 50 international companies to train managers and executives in Public Speaking, Negotiation and Pitch.


Damion Harris

Teaching leader for Soft Skills such as Public Speaking and Negotiation.

English teacher and language consultant with over a decade of experience in soft skills such as public speaking, negotiation, team building/working a problem solving. Professor for both public and private sectors for which he trains international CEOs, managers and negotiators in order to teach them techniques related to official presentations, institutional and non-institutional public relations and negotiation. He takes MUN•ITALIA’s soft skills training course to more than fifteen countries around the world and works with most of the top 50 national and multinational companies on the international scene. Its public speaking, body language and negotiation courses are being attended by thousands of professionals.  


Domenico Frascà

MUNer and Analyst

He is CEO and Founder of Frascà&Partners, a company that produces geopolitical and political-institutional analysis. He coordinates research mainly on new technologies, defense and international security. He produces articles, reports, dossiers, writing speeches and position papers. He has been a project manager for third sector entities with an international focus. He has been a policy consultant. He has been responsible for the direction of the Florence Limes Club, organizing numerous public interest events. He holds a Level II Master’s degree in Leadership and Strategic Analysis from the Institute of Military Aeronautical Sciences (ISMA) and University of Florence (UNIFI). He holds a master’s degree in International Relations and European Studies and a bachelor’s degree in Political Science, from the Cesare Alfieri School of Political Science (UNIFI). He attended the Postgraduate Course in Intelligence and National Security sponsored by the Department of Security Intelligence (DIS). Attended a training course on United Nations negotiation processes and techniques for Model UN projects in Florence, Rome, and New York. He attended the 2015 Summer School “Negotiation in Humanitarian Crises” at “Institute for International Policy Studies” (ISPI, Milan). He has been a member of the Center for Cyber Security and International Relations Studies at UNIFI since 2016, has collaborated with Rivista Aeronautica, Digital Agenda and occasionally collaborates with Fondazione Luigi Einaudi. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Cesare Alfieri Alumni Association. He is mainly interested in geopolitics, defense and security.


Veronica Dominante

MUNer and Project Manager Italy.

BA in International relations and former ISPI student, she is now pursuing her Master degree in International Security at the University of Groningen (NL). She participated in her first Model United Nations in 2018 and has never ceased to be passionate about it. Responsible for institutional relations with the United States since 2019, she has managed and maintained relations with North American partners and managed the projects in New York City and Washington, D.C. During MUN Rome she directed the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) committee and the Security Council committee and is currently specialising in human rights and security issues. She has participated in numerous volunteer activities and has been a Universal Civil Service Volunteer. In MUN•ITALIA she holds the role of Project Manager Italy coordinating all active projects, staff, and ongoing initiatives, also taking care of institutional relations with Public Administrations and National and International Public Institutions.

Our mission

MUN-MALTA is the benchmark for innovative training in the Model United Nations and is part of MUN-EUROPE, the most important European network of MUN conferences. Our mission is to ensure students unlock their full potential within an international and multicultural environment. We offer training courses that broaden their knowledge of the United Nations and major international organizations such as NATO and the European Union, while enhancing both their soft skills and personal skills. Choosing MUN-MALTA means investing in a future brimming with opportunities and personal growth, where the development of soft skills is at the core of our training. The training course and the simulations are created by professors from the most prestigious Italian and international universities alongside support from researchers, PhD students and training professionals.

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Trained Students

Trained Students in 15 years

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Students from more than 150 countries worldwide

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Schools & Universities

Worldwide network of Schools and Universities with whom we collaborate


Nicholas Tommasini

Founder and CEO, Innovator Under 35 in the Model UN sector and innovative learning

Veronica Dominante

Project manager

Marco Bonomelli

Project analyst

Dario Forlano

Head of Communications

Mattia Michelangeli

Innovation Manager, Startup Mentor, Angel Investor e Event speaker

Scientific Committee

Gianluca Pastori

Professor at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and head of education.

Davide Borsani

Professor at l’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and head of education.

Francesca Sironi

Public International Law PhD student and head of education.

Damion Harris

Linguistic Consultant, head of education.

Fabrizio Coticchia

Professor and Educational Advisor.

Aleksandar Damjanovski

Policy Analyst for the European Commission and Educational Advisor.